
Contemplating God

i've been reading Thomas Merton's book Ascent To Truth and i came across a passage that opened my eyes to the limited way i view God. As a bit of background info the book is about Christian Mysticism; specifically The Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross. It is a difficult yet at the same time wonderful read that i would highly recommend. Anyway, Merton writes that our perceptions of God are limited to our perceptions of the world around us. When we hear someone say that "God is love" our understanding of this statement is limited by our understanding love as a construct. Merton says that our human perception of love is nothing but a poor reflection of what love truly is as it is found in God. To try to understand "God is love" through our human understanding of love is to make a huge error. The "love" that is found in God is far beyond our understanding or perception, it is the perfect, ideal "love" towards which we should strive everyday. This same principle applies to any other characteristic of God like justice, peace, or forgiveness. In addition, in God love is justice which is also forgiveness. When I try to understand how this can be i'm always baffled, but then again God's ways are higher than my ways. All this reminded me of a passage from C.S. Lewis where he wrote that whenever he prayed he always prayed "to God, not as I know you, but as you know yourself to be." It has been a humbling experience contemplating all of this but i hope and pray that through it i will come to a deeper understanding of God, myself, and my faith.

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